Problem in linking two scenes to a single midi command

The issues found when using the Virtual Console
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Real Name: Mattia Dell Oca

Hi everyone,

in my project I was using a cheap USB footswitch (seen as a keyboard) that I linked to some scenes.
I'm using QLC+ 4.12.7 with Windows 7 and an usb to DMX transmitter.
If I link two scenes to a keyboard letter (for example letter V), the program executes first scene 1 with firts press, scene 2 with second press (always same button pressed) and then with the next press it comes back to scene 1.
Now I tried to do the same thing with a midi footswitch controller (YAMAHA MCF05 with USB to midi adapter Roland UM - ONE) but if I link the two scenes to a single pedal (or midi value) it doesn't work because they are activated in the same moment (not sequentially as they do with the usb keyboard input).

Is it correct what I notice or are there different settings to be made in order to obtain different behaviours?

Thank you in advance,
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Not sure what you mean sorry, can you link the project so I can take a look? Maybe put a label on the VC referring to which buttons mean what according to your post. Cheers.
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Real Name: Mattia Dell Oca

thanks for the answer.

I discovered what caused the difference: it's not the input type (keyboard or Midi) but it's the QLC+ version.

I i run the attached project with version 4.10.3 the scenes are activated in an alternated way pressing "2" key with my num keyboard as seen in the video 1. (button "SCENA BIANCA"/"SCENA BIANCA TENUE").

If I run the same project with the last 4 version (4.12.7) they are activated together but the behaviour it's strange (it seems that they are stopped immediately - Video 2).

Is there a reason why this behaviour changes with software version?

Thank you in advance,

2024.02.09 PEDALIERA.qxw
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Real Name: Santiago Benejam Torres

The buttons you are activating are in a Solo frame, in a Solo frame there can only be a single button or widget active. In a Solo Frame when you activates the second button the first one is stopped.
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Real Name: Mattia Dell Oca

Hi Santiago,

thanks for the answer.
Unfortunately this is not what I'm facing with version 4.12.7.

Best Regards,
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Real Name: Santiago Benejam Torres

Hi Mattia,
If you put some buttons or widgets in a Solo Frame you can only activate one widget at a time. Is not a bug it's a normal behavior. If you want to activate one function or scene and then another you can use a chaser for example.
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Is there a reason why this behaviour changes with software version?
Santiago is totally right in what he says, all your frames are solo frames (red border line) and only one single function can be active at the same time, in such a frame.

I'd assume that the behaviour you see in 4.10.3 is a bug and has been fixed in the meantime, 4.10.3 is ancient.

It's totally unexpected behaviour and not documented anywhere that the same key would activate 2 buttons in an alternating fashion.

The behaviour in 4.12.7 looks erratic/buggy too, but makes more sense to me. Both buttons get signalled that they got activated, then get informed that another function got fired, and switch off again.
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Real Name: Mattia Dell Oca

Thanks everyone for the answers. I know it's strange but the bug in the old version was very useful to me. I'll manage it in another way.

Thanks agaim

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You can do what sbenejam was suggesting. Put both scenes into a chaser function, and set the timing so each scene has "infinite" duration (i.e., it will stop on each scene rather than running in an automatic loop). Attach the chaser to a cue-list widget in your virtual console. Assign the keyboard button or midi input to the "next" button. You would have to "start" the cue-list, but then repeated presses of the key or foot-switch will advance to the next scene, and you can have as many as you wish. If you have more than 2 and want to run them in order, make sure you don't pick the ping-pong option that runs them in forward order and then reverse order.
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