Show Sync Issue

The issues found when using the Show Manager panel
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Real Name: Greg Johnson

We had the same issue even with the quick start/stop/start our timing would still become out of sync after 1 cycle of our show. Our solution was taking an old laptop and building a Linux Mint machine. I wish I would have done this first. It would have saved me a lot of hassle and it runs flawlessly.
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I dont know if i am right, but the problem can be windows, most notably Windows 10.

I have a notebook (Dual Core Processor) with Windows 10. I had to modify it, because on Windows 10 runs 1000 supid processes, for things that nobody needs. After installation of windows 10 the processor runs on 80% to 100% performance all the time. So other processes that QLC+ has more priority which leads to timing problems in QLC+!

Can you check your performance level in task manager when QLC+ isnt running? When its hight, try to stop some processes and try to play your show. I only had timing problems, when the processor had a high workload! Can you check that?

You can set the priority for each process in windows 10. Try to give QLC+ a high priority!
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Real Name: Pascal FRANCOIS

Hello !

No solution works. At the first launch of the show everything is well synchronized, at the second it no longer works.
How to do it? Can we replace the show with another tool so that the synchronization is reliable ?

Thanks !
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Real Name: Pascal FRANCOIS

Error one solution works perfectly, it is to put a video file in place of the sound file, but not in MP4 but MPG!! no more synchronization problems, up to ms!

Finally!!! It’s great (even if it’s a bug!)
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Hi dear friends,
I hope I can add my question to this topic, rather the open a new one with similar title.
I run a show with audio backing tracks and video sync'd.
I use a Cymatic Audio uTracks24 sending out audio and midi, which I use to start the video from iPad iMix64, an app launching videos and pics.
I would like to synchronize a show with QLC which I already set up for lighting control, but, until now, without programming automation.
From what I read in this forum, I will not be able to synchronize through time code. So my task should be impossible to achieve. Am I wrong?

Thanks you all!
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Not the time code part, but through the midi part you could control QLC+.
Or you use QLC+ to start audio + video + animations by a command... If your application expects/needs ms precision QLC+ will not serve that purpose.
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Thanks so much, GGGss.
Your assistance is five stars. I need to move, sadly, towards something else. Thanx so much

[ quote=GGGss post_id=63131 time=1626681306 user_id=1784]
Not the time code part, but through the midi part you could control QLC+.
Or you use QLC+ to start audio + video + animations by a command... If your application expects/needs ms precision QLC+ will not serve that purpose.
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Real Name: Matthew

I tested sync issue on
- Windows 10
- Linux Debian (fresh install)

I used show mode with AVT DMX 512, and also without any drivers, on clean QLC+

Also i used various formats - MP3, MPG, WAV.

I tried to mark bigger priority for process. I tried to decrease Hz value etc.

Nothing works. I wish show mode could be usable. I created 20minute show, and liked program features :<
I need patch very much.
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Real Name: Mark Z

The situation is worse than ever in the latest test version. Simply pausing the show when playing causes the cursor to jump ahead (maybe ~500ms) putting it even more out of sync. Multiple pause operations will cause the show to be out of sync by many seconds!
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currently i can say: its IMPOSSIBLE to program oder run shows sync under windows 10! I use enttec dmx/usb pro! Tested on high end pc and slower notebook.

while programing i cant jump in the track. When i try to jump to a position in a show and press play, the yellow line (that shows me the position) is on another position as the song. Lets say i move the courser (the yellow line) to pos 20s and press play: the music plays at 19s but the sequences plays at 20s. So all lights come 1s to late. When i try to continue a show thats played async the sync problems will be bigger and bigger. At the end of the audio track the lights came 10 seconds after the music!

The same problems in live mode: In live mode i start a show - In 3 of 10 times the shoiw runs absolutly async! I just have a button in the virtual console thats linked with a show. I press the button and sometimes (not everytime) the same show runs extreme async!

The funniest thing: The Problem seems to be Windows 10:

Last time i had my little event i used version 4.12.2 on windows 7. All works fine. I updated my notebook to windows 10! Yesterday i had my event again. I tried to use 4.12.4 up to 4.12.5 (newest test version) and i had massive sync problems. So i tried to downgrade to 4.12.2, because last time i had no problems under windows 7! But now under windows 10, even version 4.12.2 had extreme sync problems while programing AND live!

i tried the same shows that i made with 4.12.2 under windows 7 - 2 years ago. Now the same shows under windows 10 sometimes i had massive sync problems with these shows. As i sayd in 3 of 10 trys the show run async!

The problems seems to be windows 10 - under windows 7 i dont had these problems! Now its impossible to work with show mode!

I will try ubuntu linux next. Has somebody some experiences with show mode under linux (ubunto or mint)? I've read here and there, that linux is much better in show mode. Can somebody give a report?

I will try to make a video this days that reproduce some problems!
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OK ive found out something. When you convert mp3 files to wav with VLC Player, than it uses the FFmpeg codec for the wav file. This file can be loaded in QLC, but you have sync problems while programming. I converted the mp3 file with audacity, than i have no sync problems while coding.

This does not affect the other problems I have described with sync problems when playing a show in live mode that sometimes happen.

I promised to make a video that shows sync problems while programming a show, but now i know the problem was the file i converted with VLC. Dont use VLC to convert mp3 to wav. The wav use FFmpeg and that brings sync problems in QLC!
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I have 2 solutions now.
1. convert audio file to video format It works fine but a window pops up.
2. USE .wav audio format and install " LINE " application It might sound strange, but it works very well. Maybe because the "LINE" app uses Qt partially in development and there are some plugins to fix this.

Let's test it out. I use win10 last update and qlc v4.12.5 on celeron-j1900 4GB ram over 400 fixtures to artnet. I had sync issues before too. But now it works very well.

I see during the out of sync the qlc timeline cursor is slower, but the music played at normal speed.
In this case, I think There seems to be a problem with the system tick when using an audio player. I've never used Qt, but I've used java. I usually use timebase from media and seek dmx scene to mediatimeline. I think show manager might need to add an option to the selection. time base eg midi,ltc,mtc,media,internal...

QLC is a very flexible and functional software, I love this software.
Last edited by chaimicrochip on Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Another method that works well is to include a short video clip in the track, which can be placed anywhere.

Try to test it, for me it works very well.
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Real Name: philippe thibault

I tested all the proposed solutions (video file, wav from audacity) without success on 2 pc windows 11 QLC 4.12.3 and 4.12.6. I posted viewtopic.php?f=22&t=15924 to solve the problem in the show first, hoping that this solves the problem in the cuelist
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