Real time clock RGB Script - Advice required

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Posts: 19
Joined: Sat Jan 25, 2020 11:32 am
Real Name: Stuart Hanlon

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to migrate all my own home's funky DMX lighting from openHAB2 and Jinx! to QLCplus.

So far it has been really easy and I'm delighted with the results, even adding in remote control features so that the UI remains within the "normal" openHAB2 interface now means I have FAR more control over the effects than I could have hoped for.

BUT... and there is always a BUT somewhere..

I had a funky effect that openHAB2 created that converted the RGB leds around a mirror into a real time clock.

This was achieved in a DSL rule that took the current hour and current minute information and set a set of pixels to a colour.

Where I was able to define a colour for both of the Hour and Minute ON states.

For example. The HOUR

I created 12 groups of LEDs around the mirror.

If Hour = 1, then the first group was set to ON, remaining set to OFF
If Hour = 2, then the first group was set to OFF, 2nd set ON, remaining set to OFF

and so on (I have expanded the logic a little, but that's how it started.

The MINUTE logic was the same.

59 groups of LEDs.

If Minute = 0, all off
If Minute = 1, 1st group ON, remaining OFF

When I run this rule, it simple used a CRON to trigger and passed the HOUR and MINUTE values.


Before I start this journey...

Is it possible for a RGB script to obtain the current hour and minute ?

Whether I define the matrix as a circle or a simple single row is yet to be decided, I'll happily take advice for that too.

(I'm all for the simple option, so much that I'm happy to create two matrices, with the required pixels for HOUR and MINUTE, if creating one RGB script for MINUTE and another for HOUR is a less complex approach)

In an ideal world, it would be amazing to create a generic RGB Script that produces two clock hands that rotate around the matrix from the centre, but that is WAY beyond my skills.

Your advice and guidance will always be graciously accepted, simply because I know what my skills are and I realise there is a lot I don't know.

A quick example of the Mirror with LEDs

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