When advancing a cue list, QLC+ doesn't use fade times.

The issues found when using the Virtual Console
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Joined: Sun Oct 13, 2019 2:28 am
Real Name: Xander

Hey all!

It seems as though I have come across a bug, but it could just be me not fully understanding how the software works...here's my setup.

I have a couple of cue lists, that are set up so when the next cue is triggered, it shows a scene, then fades it out slow, like the flash function of a virtual console button, but with a nice fade out.

When I add the cue lists to the virtual console and then go into operate/live mode, it seems the cue's fade times are being completely ignored when I press the "next cue" button. After going into live mode, I can push next cue on one of the cuelists, and it works perfectly, but If I press it again on the same, or any other cuelist, the fades just don't work. The software can definitely see the fades, as the cuelist widget shows the fade progress on the little blue/green bar, but it just doesn't control the lights that way.

I am happy to provide as much information as you need it, I really want to get this fixed! It's really driving me mad lol. Also, feel free to tell me I'm just an idiot if I'm doing something wrong, but I have tried this on both my Mac and Windows machine, with the same result.

- Alex
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Can you please send in your project file over here?
The thing bugging me is using a go command progressing to the next cue in cuelist... how did you achieve this? Thru loopback?
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