Why when disable button with assigned scene, can not disable all channels

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Why when disable button with assigned scene, can not disable all channels

Scene: Tilt (86), Pan (120) Dimmer (255), effect (0), color dimmer (128)

when I disable scene button (in virtual console), color dimmer channel goes to 0, but Tilt, Pan, Dimmer, Effect, staying on position, WHY?

Sorry about stupid question, I'm total beginer on lighting world
Is somewhere normal help for QLC, where is everting explained?
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HTP and LTP is what you should look for in the documentation...
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I am having a similar issue. In my case all the DMX channels are set to LTP. (which I understand is the latest value gets sent out) I run a scene where I am using pan, tilt, colour wheel, gobo, & gobo indexing when I toggle it off I have no control over anything that was just used in the previous scene. Any suggestions? It has to be something simple I am missing because I have tried about everything!

I attached my project file just in case you need to see what im talking about.
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If you diable your scene ... nothing is sent. LTP behaviour.
You really don't want movers to go to 0-position if a scene is disabled... you want them to hang there until a new command is sent.
If you want to reset them you have to give them a command.

I cannot open your project since it lacks 4 fixture definitions.
ScreenHunter_03 Aug. 26 08.34.png
ScreenHunter_03 Aug. 26 08.34.png (8.35 KiB) Viewed 1153 times
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Wait a minute...
You say that if you disable a scene nothing else can control or overrule the values that were present in that scene? Hmm... seems like an internal QLC+ buffer that is stuck.
Try latest version
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Ahhh I apologize! I created those with the fixture editor. I am running qlc+ 4.12.0 that is the latest version correct?

Let me ask this then? For channels like the gobo, color wheel, focus, and zoom... I want those to reset. Even after I disable the scene I can not control those channels if they were used in the previous scene. If I switch to a new scene then they will all go smoothly. So even if I use the simple desk to move the light, the virtual console controls I made are still useless. That is really my concern. So my question is how can I make my virtual console controls override everything including the scenes?

I attached my fixtures as well!
Venue Fixtures.zip
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It seems you to me that you're a little confused and should read the docs a bit to get a basic understanding of how QLC is organized.

I haven't fully understood what your problems are in virtual console, but here's one important thing you should be aware of and cannot change, as it is like this by design:

The simple desk always has priority. QLC can generate output by several means, like the function editors, virtual console elements, scripts, shows and the simple desk. But if you touch a fader in simple desk it always will take control and override whatever data is present. That's very important and useful in any theater or other live situation where you need priority control when things go wrong. The fader turns flame red to indicate this state. Clicking the X button will release it again and return to the state it had before touching this fader.

Virtual console is different and has an edit and a playback mode. you use this to build UI elements to control your lights more conveniently or in groups, and it's the "theater" way to run your prebuilt show. The show editor is also used for playback, but rather for building complete and totally pre-programmed shows - similar to a midi/audio sequencer but for whatever QLC can play back.

And as GGGss said, read about HTP and LTP.

Maybe you want to share your workspace or a more simple file to demonstrate your problem, what happens unexpectedly and what you would like to happen.
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