QLC+ and Evolution UC-33

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Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Nov 30, 2017 11:17 am
Real Name: Daniele

Hi everybody,
I'll buy an used evolution uc-33 midi usb controller.
I wanto to use it to control the virtual consolle of qlc+. Does anyone have ever tried to use this controller? Is it easy to set-up?
Have I only to connect and select the proper input and universe to read midi input?

Thanks alot!

Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Nov 30, 2017 11:17 am
Real Name: Daniele

Ok I received the controller.
I have installed it and I think it is working, I have downloaded MIDI-OX and when I move a slider or a knob I can see the values changin.
Now I need help to configure the software.
I have opened QLC+ and selected input/output, on the second universe I have flagged UC-33 USB MIDI Controlle [1] ad input; in the first universe I have the DMX output interface.
On the profile editor with the authomatic search I mapped all the knobs, buttons and sliders; so I can say that QLC+ can see MIDI input.
Now I have opened a virtual console that I usually use during thatre performances.
I select a fader and I assign a MIDI input and save.
Then when I go in the operate mode the software crash.

What can be the problem?
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See viewtopic.php?f=32&t=11761
Use the latest test version
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Joined: Thu Nov 30, 2017 11:17 am
Real Name: Daniele

Thanks alot!
Yesterday I tried to create a simple virtual console, assigned a fader of the uc33 and start operate mode. As I espected it crashed. With notepad I modify the file generated in the feedback line and it is working.
Thank you very much.

Now if I modify something in the virtual console, must I always correct the code? There will be some fix in next releases?

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As I said: use the latest test version.
The issue has already been fixed and it's included in all the next builds.
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Joined: Thu Nov 30, 2017 11:17 am
Real Name: Daniele

Thank you very much.

I apoligise for the misunderstanding, I'm new of QLC+ and of the forum so I didn't understand completely.

Thanks for your very great work!

Posts: 14
Joined: Thu Nov 30, 2017 11:17 am
Real Name: Daniele

Thanks alot, it is working very fine.
I'm very happy having discovered qlc because day by day i find something very useful for me.
I came from mydmx2.0 and in my opinion there are huge differences.
Above all the forum is great and gives me huge help.
Thank you Massimo for your work and thanks to every other developers.
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