programme crashes

The issues found when using the Show Manager panel
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Joined: Sun Dec 11, 2022 3:50 pm
Real Name: Mr Ian maslin

hi all, long time user and first post
first of,let me say what a superb bit of software for running lights
i've been running qlc for a few years,, in many guises ,from patching into house lights or running 3 universes of my own rig.
even went as far as producing a whole show to track time coded
now i'm on 4.12.6 and trying to redo the show
when in show page and trying to insert any type of sequence, chase or efx the programme randomly crashes ,of course i then loose any work i have done
is this is a known bug or am i doing something wrong?
i run qlc alongside qlab and use a midi command to trigger the time code show via a widget on virtual console
if i remember correctly,i had occasional crashes with earlier version but managed to get the show done.
right now,i cant get past the 1st minute.
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Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:09 am
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Hi, fixing a crash is quite easy with the proper debug tools but for doing so I need a way to reproduce the crash.
Can you find a reproducible sequence of actions that make QLC+ crashing and describe it here?
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