Audio Function

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Sorry if this is in the wrong place, but can anyone tell me what file types the audio function will accept?

Every time I tried adding and audio file I got "This audio file cannot be played with QLC+. Sorry." which while very polite left me stuck.

I am running QLC plus 4.1.3 on Fedora 17.

Massimo Callegari

It depends on how you compiled QLC+.
Audio formats support is autodetected through pkg-config at build time. You need to have development packages for libmad and libsndfile.
You see if they're in when it compiles libqlcplusengine. You should see -DHAS_LIBMAD and -DHAS_LIBSNDFILE flags

BTW there's a WiKi here: ... uild-HOWTO
It's not for Fedora, but you can get the idea
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