No video output, qlcplus QT5 from GIT

Post Reply
Santiago Benejam Torres

Qlcplus from GIT with Qt5. Playing a video from Show manager. Opens a new window, no video output, audio from video works.
Ubuntu 14.04, Qt5, qlcplus from GIT. I tried too with qlcplus 4.7.3 sources with same result. I'm missing something, a required package, ....?. With Ubuntu 13.10 same video plays perfectly.

How can I debug this?
Massimo Callegari

Hi, which version of Qt 5 ?
It happens the same to me on Ubuntu 14.04 with Qt 5.3.1.
It seems something related to the H264 codec but I have all the gstreamer plugins installed
Santiago Benejam Torres

I tried with Qt 5.2.1 wich is the default in Ubuntu 14.04 and with Qt5.3.1 from Qt website. Playing this video with vlc o mplayer works fine. Before upgrade to 14.04 videos playing perfectly.
How can I help debuging this issue?.
Massimo Callegari

Not sure you can. This might be related to Qt and not QLC+.
Gimme a bit to try figuring it out
Santiago Benejam Torres

I tried too in KDE and Cinnamon Desktop, same result.
Massimo Callegari

Santiago, a small update on this.
Qt forum discussion:
Qt bug I filed:

They shut the bug in my face. They are not able to admit Qt Multimedia is very buggy.

I am upset.
Massimo Callegari

And here's the (hopefully temporary) solution: ... er-to.html
Santiago Benejam Torres

Yesterday when compiling with qt5 5.2.1 I get an error Qt5Multimedia not found.
I don't know that I'm missing. Saturday upgraded Ubuntu and installed some gstreamer plugins and other packages related to qt5.

make[1]: se ingresa al directorio «/home/sbenejam/qlcplus/engine»
cd src/ && ( test -e Makefile || /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmake /home/sbenejam/qlcplus/engine/src/ -o Makefile ) && make -f Makefile
make[2]: se ingresa al directorio «/home/sbenejam/qlcplus/engine/src»
rm -f
g++ -m64 -Wl,-rpath-link,/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -shared -Wl,-soname, -o avolitesd4parser.o qlccapability.o qlcchannel.o qlcfile.o qlcfixturedef.o qlcfixturedefcache.o qlcfixturehead.o qlcfixturemode.o qlci18n.o qlcinputchannel.o qlcinputprofile.o qlcinputsource.o qlcmodifierscache.o qlcphysical.o audio.o audiodecoder.o audiorenderer.o audioparameters.o audiocapture.o audiorenderer_qt.o audiocapture_qt.o video.o bus.o channelsgroup.o channelmodifier.o chaser.o chaserrunner.o chaserstep.o collection.o cue.o cuestack.o doc.o dmxdumpfactoryproperties.o efx.o efxfixture.o efxuistate.o fadechannel.o fixture.o fixturegroup.o function.o functionuistate.o genericdmxsource.o genericfader.o grandmaster.o grouphead.o inputoutputmap.o inputpatch.o ioplugincache.o mastertimer.o monitorproperties.o outputpatch.o qlcclipboard.o qlcpoint.o rgbalgorithm.o rgbaudio.o rgbmatrix.o rgbimage.o rgbplain.o rgbscript.o rgbtext.o scene.o sceneuistate.o scenevalue.o script.o show.o showrunner.o track.o universe.o mastertimer-unix.o audiodecoder_mad.o audiodecoder_sndfile.o moc_audio.o moc_audiorenderer.o moc_audiocapture.o moc_audiorenderer_qt.o moc_audiocapture_qt.o moc_video.o moc_bus.o moc_channelsgroup.o moc_chaser.o moc_chaserrunner.o moc_collection.o moc_cuestack.o moc_doc.o moc_efx.o moc_efxuistate.o moc_fixture.o moc_fixturegroup.o moc_function.o moc_functionuistate.o moc_grandmaster.o moc_inputoutputmap.o moc_inputpatch.o moc_ioplugincache.o moc_mastertimer.o moc_outputpatch.o moc_qlcclipboard.o moc_rgbaudio.o moc_rgbmatrix.o moc_rgbplain.o moc_scene.o moc_sceneuistate.o moc_script.o moc_show.o moc_showrunner.o moc_track.o moc_universe.o moc_qlcioplugin.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -L../../hotplugmonitor/src -lhotplugmonitor -lasound -ludev -lmad -lsndfile -lfftw3 -lQt5MultimediaWidgets -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lQt5Multimedia -lQt5Widgets -lQt5Network -lQt5Script -lQt5Xml -lQt5Gui -lQt5Core -lGL -lpthread
/usr/bin/ld: no se puede encontrar -lQt5Multimedia
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [] Error 1
make[2]: se sale del directorio «/home/sbenejam/qlcplus/engine/src»
make[1]: *** [sub-src-make_first-ordered] Error 2
make[1]: se sale del directorio «/home/sbenejam/qlcplus/engine»
make: *** [sub-engine-make_first-ordered] Error 2
Massimo Callegari

Santiago, you're clearly missing the Qt5 multimedia package

sudo apt-get install libqt5multimedia5 qtmultimedia5-dev
Santiago Benejam Torres

I've reinstalled everything related to qt5multimedia, including this packages.
Santiago Benejam Torres

Finally I found a symlink pointing to a wrong library. Removing libqt5multimedia5-touch seems solve the problem. Now is pointing to the correct library /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ->


I think I might have the same problem but am new to Linux. If you could provide some instructions to on how to check and update the symlink I would be very grateful.

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