qlcconfig.h VS DEFINES

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Dominik Batušić

Hello, I have compiled and successfully ran QLC+ on Win7 64-bit Qt 5.3 gcc
4.7.0 via newest MinGW 32 (+ msys). The main problem I came across is that
by running "qmake && make && make install" in trunk of qlcplus (all env
paths set correct) the "qlcconfig.h" was not generated (the gen code is in
/engine/src/src.pro), so I solved that by looking up the idiomatic Qt qmake
way of generating macros which is by appending values to "DEFINES"
configuration name in ".pro" files. Is there any problem with that way of
doing things regarding e.g. backwards compatibility etc, because it seems
that's only problem with going to Qt 5...

Thanks for reading...
Massimo Callegari

Hello, I've got 2 considerations:

1) Qt 5.3.1 is built with GCC 4.8, so to avoid any binary incompatibility I suggest you to use a 4.8.x version. It builds fine for me

2) which shell are you using ? There is a bit of a mess in Windows. I normally use Powershell and I never had issues. Using the MSYS shell might make the difference.
Also, if you build with Qt Creator, just disable the shadow build.
Dominik Batušić

I am just documenting my insights if anyone bothers to build with Qt v5 on Win. I tried using Powershell/pure cmd/msys (with proper env vars set) but nothing worked, so i did what i described in first post and it works fine now. btw. i don't see binary incompatibility anywhere if i am building qlcplus from source? (I also didn't bother downloading and setting up Qt v4 because it's huge download and i already had Qt v5 on pc)
Massimo Callegari

By "binary incompatibility" I mean between QLC+ and Qt.
For example if you build QLC+ with GCC 4.6 it won't work against prebuilt Qt5. (built with GCC 4.8)

Anyway you seem to know everything already, so I'll shut up.
Jano Svitok

Massimo was pointing to the fact that QT5 is built with gcc 4.8. If you built your QT5 binaries from source, you are fine.
Massimo Callegari

Building Qt5 on Windows with MinGW is almost impossible. I tried once and miserably failed.

By the way, if I understand, Dominik is building QLC+ from sources, not Qt5.
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