Incorrect slider position with Click&Go Gobo/Effect when specifying custom range

The issues found when using the Virtual Console
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Joined: Sun Feb 04, 2024 8:19 pm
Real Name: Emmanuel Olivier


Just to help, a minor but repeatable bug :

- create a slider, choosing level mode;
- specify custom value range (in my case : low limit 36 / High limit 185);
- choose "Click & Go : Gobo/Effect"
- then, in the virtual console, affect this slider to a fixture effect (in my case, the "Color" channel of a Starway Tourkolor, but I guess the bug is independant from the fixture)
- now use it : in production mode, click on the grid view showing the available effect macros, choose a macro (for example : "Red 100%/Green up/blue up" which is related to dmx value range 151 to 170 on this fixture)
=> slider is positionned at another value ! (124 in this example). And so another effect is activated, not the chosen one...

NB : If you specify standard value range for the slider (low limit 0 / High limit 255), it works perfectly well.
It seems that the slider position is calculated as a percentage of the range (if you choose the effect which dmx value should be 127, which is the middle of the 0-255 range, the slider is positionned at 110, which is the middle of my custom range 36-185...).

If needed, I can send a project demonstrating this bug.

Thanks for reading !

By the way, thanks for this amazing software, I am a very new user but more and more enthusiastic day after day, discovering its incredible and powerful features ! Keep going on !!
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Hi, click & go and custom range don't actualy work well together for the simple reason that channel macros are spanned over all 256 DMX values.
So by definition a limited range wouldn't make much sense.
is there a particular reason why you can't work with the full 0-255 range?
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