cyl-6602 working with Qlc 4

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Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:42 pm
Real Name: Geoff Nichol

How to make a cyl-6022 interface work with qlc.
Using the latest qlc 4 version.
I tried to use an old laptop running win10 with a cheap ftdi interface .It worked but with random flickering and blackouts. Fiddlng with settings in the registry did not have much effect .
So searching around with very little budget I came across the cyl-6602 interface. There seems to be no support and prices range from £16 to £90 ! and some very negative reviews.
Curious I ordered one from Alib for 16 pounds including postage. It arrived in 10 days. It comes with a cd with various programs and drivers which look to be fairly old. Windows defender shows two files with viruses. This can happen with old software.
Looking inside the metal case I can see two opto isolation chips and a AtMega 8meg chip.
It appears to be a Udmx interface but Qlc does not recognise it. I tried recompiling the udmx plugin with diffrent VID / PID. Qlc then saw the inteface but crashed when i tried to use it.
Once setup with the procedure below fade up/down was silky smooth and no blackouts with the old slow laptop.
This is only my experience with this interface ,other interfaces may be different!
Freestyler works with the interface, so the answer is to use Qlc to output Artnet then use Freestyler program Artnet to DMX to drive the interface.
Installation steps.
Plug in the interface
Find the dmx512 interface in device manager
Install the hardware driver supplied on CD rom supplied with the interface. You will have to turn off driver signing as the drivers are not signed (hold down shift and key reboot)
The interface then shows as "Sunlight" in device manager.
Download and install Freestyler
Copy the udmx.dll file from the cd to the Freestyler root folder, normally C:\freestyler.
Open Freestyler and in settings set the interface to Udmx.
Open Qlc and set the output to artnet 127.0.01 output
Open Freestyler sub program "Artnet to dmx" and set network adaptor to 127.0.01 and the interface to Udmx. save and exit by File EXIT ,do not click the X ,that only closes the window and leaves the programme running in the back ground, you will then have to use task manager to close it. You may have to save and exit a couple of times.
Qlc should now be able to control your lights.

TheTwo indicators on the Artnet to Dmx window should lightup blue . You can see the dmx values change in the dmx out put window on the Artnet to dmx program.
DMX output on my interface came out of the socket labeled Universe 2 ?
Hope this is useful the someone
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Here's a listing I've found:

It doesn't report any support for QLC+ and I wouldn't recommend it (especially if it's only a uDMX clone at that price).

Why a company would release a product like this and not include support for QLC+ is very strange to me.

Freestyler is abandoned from what we've heard.

Grab a decent DMX adaptor (ENTTEC Pro devices are nearly the same price).

Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:42 pm
Real Name: Geoff Nichol

it is what it is and works for me.
I purchased it for £16 pounds of alibaba .Definitely would not buy it for £90!
Enttec pro is about £150
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