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QLC+ 4.4.0 beta1 release

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:09 am
by Massimo Callegari
After almost two months, a new version of QLC+ has landed. As you can see from the post title, I decided to release it as a beta version, instead of declaring it stable and then rushing to fix it.
So, you're advised, this is a beta and can surely be improved. You might find it awesome or even terrible.
As you can see from the website new style, I've worked to improve the three main areas of QLC+ usage.
To name a few important changes: Cue Lists cross fade, Audio Cues, Audio input, Show Manager playback resume
Depending on the feedbacks I will receive on this version, a final 4.4.0 will follow.

* NEW: Shows can now be started at any position in time
* NEW: Audio files can now be added and inspected from Function Manager. They can also be added to Chasers, to create Audio Cues
* NEW: In Scene Editor, fixture channels can be selected (CTRL+Click) for advanced copy/paste
* NEW; Audio input support. It is now possible to associate DMX channels, functions or VC widgets to audio volume and spectrum bars
* NEW: VC Cue list crossfade functionality. It is now possible to open a side panel with two sliders to manually control the transition between two chaser steps
* Scene Editor now uses global clipboard too, so values can be copied from a Scene to another
* Copy and paste is now allowed in "all fixtures view" mode too
* Project loading speed improvement. Should be much faster on projects with lot of fixtures
* Fixed regression of Chaser Editor paste operation, causing a major drop of performances
* Fixed regression introduced with the hold parameter, causing "infinite" value wrong behaviour
* Fixed 'hold' setting changed from a speed dial for RGBMatrix, EFX and Simple Desk Playback Cue
* Fixed loading of empty sequence steps when all values are set to zero
* Chasers can now be started/tested from any step
* Virtual Console size is now taken into account when loading a project (including kiosk mode)
* Scene Editor now remembers the fixtures view mode (not saved into project)
* Fixed QLC+ 4.0.0 regression causing Function Manager to reset the tree state on show/hide
* Fixed ArtNet input never reaching zero value (thanks to Jano Svitok)
* Fixed MIDI feedback corrupting non zero channels (thanks to Jano Svitok)
* Fixed EFX editor start offset overflow (thanks to Jano Svitok)
* Added Sequences/Audio creation overlapping check on Show Manager
* Audio functions now support volume adjustment. Not yet on Chasers though.
* Added fixture: American DJ Mega Bar 50RGB (thanks to George Qualley)
* Added fixture: SGM Giotto Spot 400 CMY (thanks to Willy)
* Added fixture: PixelRANGE PixelPar 44 (thanks to bwerst)
* Added fixture: Look Solutions Unique 2.1 (thanks to Nicolas K)
* Added fixture: American DJ TRI64 Profile (thanks to Jed Nou)