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QLC stopped responding to OSC

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:11 pm
by bcrotaz
I have QLC running an automated boardroom setup. It auto starts on Windows boot, minimised. The machine reboots every night.

The scene changes are triggered via OSC from Companion.

Today I had a fault report that the lights weren't working. The QLC UI showed it was running the show, but OSC wasn't triggering the scene changes - one scene has an orange outline on the button, and clicking on the others didn't switch scenes.

Rebooting the machine made it work.

What is likely to have happened, and how do I stop it happening again?


Re: QLC stopped responding to OSC

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:21 am
by GGGss
Give the machine a fixed IP. Getting an IP from DHCP takes some time and by the time it got it, QLC+ may already be running.
Meaning that the OSC universe tries to bind him to a bogus IP address.

Your statement: "that clicking on the others didn't switch scenes" makes me think ... could it be that the button with the orange outline uses a 'zero' (default) OSC value? When OSC is initialised, I can image that the bus is reset - hence that this button is falsly active (and no other button can overrule it) ?

I'd look for a mechanism to postpone the start of QLC+ so that your computer is ready to operate.
In MS-Dos times, one would write a little batch script with a wait state and then start QLC+.