Kornrats assorted Problems

Report an issue that you found while using QLC+ 5.x.
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Joined: Tue Jul 18, 2023 7:55 pm
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Hey there,
after listing some actual bugs I encountered when using QLC+5, now I whant to add some problems I was faced with that are not strictly speacing bugs but rather inconveniences and unintuitive. See it as general feedback for useability.

When adding a new button to the virtual console you cant immediately change where it is nor you can delete it right away or change its size, you need to exit "add new widget to console" and mark "enable disable widgets".
Abstract description:
That feels strange since this means one can not make new arrangements of knobs and sliders easiely at once.
When having the the "add" marked, you can only change which part of the virtual console you are looking at with the bars on the side and the bottom, instead pressing on a button it is marked to be changed the same way as it is when in the "enable/disable" mode.

no "ok" button when adding fixtures
abstract description:
sometimes definging the correct postition is not necessary. thus dragging and dropping into the 2D view is not always good.
Just add a small green checkmark button to the bottom of the fixture properties to have an alternative method to add fixtures.

"del" does not work, most hotkeys too, nor the right klick
abstract description:
well, one would assume that "del" would delete whatever is marked at the moment. hotkeys are pretty handy when having a keyboard. Instead, you are forced to press the corresponding button on the screen (red minus) which is clumsy. Additionally, the existence of a right click button is a great thing, I would really like to use that button.
having different control modes would be great. "PC - right click" would have full configurable hotkey support + right click context dependent menu, "PC left click" would be a left click centric usage mode with hotkeys, "Touch" is the way it is now. This might potentially extend to the UI design changing between the modes. But I strongly prefer having a right click menu with all context dependent options. At the moment I am really buged by the fact that there is no right click option. For touch right click can not be a thing, but for the PC a right click is just so handy and I even though I want to be able to use qlc+5 on touch I dont want to loose the option to use the program on PC or on PC with a big inconveniance added ontop. I would actually rather stay with QLC+4 for that matter since it means such a big inconveniance for me.
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