Audio bug

Report an issue that you found while using QLC+ 5.x.
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Posts: 384
Joined: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:43 am
Real Name: Ken Coughlin

I was doing some testing with QLC+ 5 Beta 2. It seems an audio problem I discovered in QLC+ 4.12.5 exists in QLC+ 5 Beta 2


The same work-around of adding a 1ms fadeout to a track, also seems to work.
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

How is this possible?
Beta 2 has been released January 19th 2023 while the issue you mentioned has been resolved September 26th 2022.
The issue was in the engine, which is shared between v4 and v5.
Please describe again the issue you're having on v5
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