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Multiple DMX USB adaptors order of precedence

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 10:18 am
by djwiltsh
Hi there

I have a PC with two of the these USB to DMX adaptors:

I have my generic fixtures on DMX universe A, and moving fixtures on DMX B. I can successfully get everything working with universe A on one adpator and universe B on the other.

However, each time I turn the PC off and back on, the mapping between the two devices and the two universes seems to swap around. To be clear:
USB DMX 1 - Universe A
USB DMX 2 - Universe B

USB DMX 1 - Universe B
USB DMX 2 - Universe A

I end up having to physcally repatch the DMX outputs each time to match which adaptor is which universe.

Is it possible to "lock" it somehow so that each device always outputs a consistent universe?

I'm running ths on a standard Windows 7 PC.



Re: Multiple DMX USB adaptors order of precedence

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 3:57 pm
by kenact
I would try swapping usb ports or swapping dmx cables.

Re: Multiple DMX USB adaptors order of precedence

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 12:02 am
by Yestalgia
Did swapping the ports work?