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Issues with qlc+ and dot2 v4.12.5

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 5:46 am
by sladyeds
hello everyone, i found a problem with the artnet input at the newest version.
v4.12.4 is working completely fine, v4.12.5 not.
the newest version does not recieve packages. the info section says "Status: opened" but the packages stay 0.
i downgraded to v4.12.4 and it is working and recieving packages.

os: win10
processor: ryzen 7 5xxx
qlc+ version: v4.12.4 and v4.12.5
dot2 version: (newest)

for me its fine to work with the older version, because im just using it as a translator from art net to usb/dmx but it would be nice if it gets fixed in the next version/update

Re: Issues with qlc+ and dot2 v4.12.5

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:51 am
by mcallegari
Can you please try the latest version here?

Also, are you having issues on the loopback device or regular network interface?