"Ghost" slider movements

The issues found when using the Virtual Console
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Posts: 29
Joined: Sun Dec 15, 2019 5:24 pm
Real Name: Peter Goderie

QLC+ 4.12.2 Windows 10

After editing a workspace I encountered several "Level" sliders moving "randomly" while the related channel did not change at all.

After long debugging I finally found what caused the problem...

This happens when you change a Slider to Level mode but there is still a Function set for Playback mode (Happens easily when copy-pasting controls and than editing the copy).

Say I have a slider set for Playback of Scene1.
I than copy and paste this slider and change the copy to Level mode to control a Fixture channel (But Scene1 is still set for Playback mode!).

Now the sliders work as expected, First slider still controlling Scene1 and the new slider controlling the Fixture channel , but when Playing Scene1 the slider for the Fixture channel will also move according the playback level of Scene1 !!

Sample workspace attached:
linked sliders.qxw
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:geek: Software is the stuff that makes Hardware flexible ! :lol:
Posts: 9
Joined: Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:07 pm
Real Name: Andreas März

I have come across the same issue.
It's just that even when I insert a fresh matrix of sliders, some of them tend to connect to others, even if they have nothing in common.
I am attaching my file, the sliders from the purple row somehow connect to the ones on the top red row. Even though they are assigned levels of different fixtures and different midi input notes.
urania mapping.qxw
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