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Cannot run compiled qlc+5 debug build (bus error)

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:46 am
by memrex
I can successfully build qlc+5 on Windows 10 (debug build). However, I cannot run the executable. The terminal simply outputs a bare "Bus error". Debugging with gdb also does not work, see below.

Code: Select all

$ ./../../qlcplus/qlcplus-qml.exe
Bus error

Code: Select all

ERROR: Unable to start debugging. GDB exited unexpectedly.
The program 'c:\qlcplus\qlcplus-qml.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x00000000).

ERROR: During startup program exited with code 0xc0000017.
A release build v5 or v4 works fine thouth. Nobody else seems to have this problem. Maybe someone has an idea?

On a side note, the output directory "C:\qlcplus" has a total size of 2.9 GB (debug) and 300 MB (release). Is this feasible?