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Not sending all midi signals through

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 9:24 am
by Eldin

In my tries to get my Akai APCmini to controll both QLC+ (4.12.2) and Mixxx. These are my findings.

When i set up QLC to use the akai as input and feedback and that works great. I get lit up buttons and everything works as expected. It responds to faders and buttons alike.

When I close QLC and use the akai as a controller for mixxx I can set ut up to have faders for valume/crossfade, as well as buttons for loading, selecting and starting songs.

Now the problem. If I want to do botha t the same time I need an intermediary, software midi controller. I choose to use LoopBe1.
I set it up as a virtual midi device and in general this works great. In QLC+ I set up a universe as follows:
in: Akai APCMini
out: LoopBe1 midi
feedback: Akai APCMini
Throughput: Enabled
in Mixx I set the contrlinterface to LoopBe1
the akai still works as expected with QLC, but QLC is not sending the button presses through to the loopbe1 midi device. In Mixxx I can detect fader changes (and use those), but it will not get any button presses.

I tried to see if the signals were actually put on the midi bus by setting up a new universe with the loopbe1 as input. And when I change a fader, bth universes show a joystick, but when I press a button only the first indicates it receives a signal.

I found that QLC (for reasons not clear to me) choose to select either Control Change, Program Change, or Note Velocity codes. But the buttons on my akai send a Note On code. Qould this be the reason? Is there any reason not just to throughput every midi signal?

Is there any way to solve this? Or should I feature request to just throughput all midi instead of a set of control codes.


Re: Not sending all midi signals through

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:39 pm
by janosvitok
Yes, you should request new mode, that produces data that is the reverse of the input map.
If you know a bit of c++ it is not that hard. Most of it is even already written for handling the feedback ( ... l.cpp#L125 except that you want to pass midi clock as well).

Also, there are messages that QLC+ doesn't understand, and those will not pass anyway (NRPN, SysEx,...) unless quite big architecture change happens (since now everything including MIDI is converted to DMX, and later DMX to back to MIDI, and this loses everything QLC+ does not understand).


Re: Not sending all midi signals through

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 10:13 am
by Eldin
Unfortunately I know absolutely nothing of c++.
Python yes, but c++ no