iPad-QLC+ Connection Error! SOLVED!

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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Posts: 10
Joined: Sun Feb 17, 2019 4:54 pm
Location: MD USA
Real Name: frank kayser

Hello Masimo (et al)

Prior post posting.php?mode=edit&f=7&p=57354
detailed my problem getting Safari on MacOS and iOS to connect with the Raspberry Pi, while other browsers on MacOS and all browsers on Android were enjoying success.

:D The good news: I have both the iPad running Safari as well as my Macbook Pro also running Safari to work, where before they would not. Success! I'm SO happy. Thank you Masimo for this elegant solution!

:( Now, for the post mortem.
I found the Raspberry Pi was closing the connection after my ID and Password that I set up in QLC+ on the Pi, was entered.
No, it was not port 9999.
No, it had nothing to do with websockets.

:roll: Anyone interested in how I found the problem?

I used my Windows 10 computer to set up QLC+ with --WEB option.
I ported my project to the windows computer, and set up the proper access to the Enttec Artnet controller, and tested that it worked. Baseline achieved.

I then logged on to QLC+ running on the Windows box via my MBPro and Waterfox. All worked!

Now for the big test (drumroll please!) Logged on to the QLC+ running on Windows via MBPro and Safari.
To my absolute surprise (and Delight!) everything worked as it should! WooHoo!

Now for the iPad. Remember, NOTHING worked on the iPad before.
Now, it works perfectly! Oh my!

So, what's the difference between the Windows web and the Raspberry Pi web version. Well... everything.
However, there was one difference. The Raspberry Pi had a ID and Password that I set on the System setup.

Could it be?

So, I deleted the user I had set on QLC+on the Pi, rebooted and tested.

Everything worked! Safari on MacOS! Safari on iPad! I've arrived!

So Masimo, there is something going on just after the login credentials are entered that is not squaring using Safari.
Is it an Apple implementation issue, or something in the Raspberry Pi? Again, I'm using the QLC+ image I was sent with zero modifications.

Again Masimo, thanks for all the work you've put into this easy-to-understand and use package for no less than 4 platforms!

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