MIDI engine problems in QLC+ for MAC

The issues found when using the Input/Output Manager panel
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Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:30 pm
Real Name: Dani Carbonell

Hi guys,
I am using:
- MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6
- QLC+ 4.12.1
- Ableton Live Suite 10.1

I am using Ableton to send MIDI Velocity Notes to QLC+ through the MAC MIDI Network (rtpMIDI).
1. The problem comes if I send a note from Ableton that starts exactly where another one finishes, then the "Note ON" gets ignored by QLC+ in MAC.
2. If I send the notes from Ableton to a machine with Windows 10 running QLC+ those notes don't get ignored. So the MIDI engine of the QLC+ in Windows works just fine.
3. I did a third experiment. I used Cubase to send the notes to QLC+ for MAC but this time worked. Then I realised that Cubase adds a little silence between the notes OFF and ON if they are happening at the same time and this avoids the problem to happen.

I hope you can reproduce the problem and suggest a solution. In the meanwhile I am using a second laptop with Windows to run QLC+.

Thanks for the support
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