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VC slider range limit issue

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 9:36 pm
by Neovo

I am experiencing incorrect behaviour of sliders in the Virtual Console web page when set to level mode and a limited range.

When a low and high limit is set for a slider in level mode, it behaves fine in the Virtual Console of QLC+ itself.
However, the behaviour of the slider in the Virtual Console web page is incorrect because the actual usable range is smaller than the configured range.

Steps to reproduce the incorrect behaviour:
- Start QLC+ with the internal web server enabled.
- Open a new workspace.
- Add any fixture, e.g. 'Generic (Dimmers)'.
- Add a slider to Virtual Console.
- Modify the slider's properties to operate in Level mode.
- Bind the slider to the fixture and limit the range to e.g. low 100 and high 200.
- Switch to operate mode.
- Start a browser and access the QLC+ Virtual Console page.
- When moving the slider the range limit is applied incorrectly. For the range 100-200 in this example the usable range is from 139 up to 178.

This bug is present in version 4.11.2 for Windows and Mac OS. It might also be present in 4.12.0, however, I am unable to verify because in this version the sliders have another issue that was just recently fixed in the Git repository [1].


[1] ... 7aa0f1d14f