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Displaying an input DMX signal

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 8:21 am
by KJDuggan
Hi, we are trying to have the Raspberry Pi display a DMX universe that is inputed from a controller. Is that possible with the Raspberry version of QLC+? We tried the DMXking ultraDMX2, but QLC+ doesn't support DMX input from this device. We also tried the BitWizard board, no luck there either.

Any advice?

Thanks, Keith

Re: Displaying an input DMX signal

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 8:22 am
by mcallegari
Hi, have you tried DMXking input on the desktop version first ? Does it work ?

The BitWizard hat cannot do input+output at the same time. Just one of the two at a time.
Not because of a QLC+ limitation, but due to how the hardware is designed.