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Midi controller to create sequences

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 12:08 pm
by djkoelkast
Hi all,

I've had some play time with QLC+ with a touch screen laptop; make sequences with my mouse and then trigger the sequences in the Virtual Console.
This works, but I want more of the feel of a DMX table, with knobs and faders. So I bought myself a midi controller, hooked it up, used 2 universes (1 for DMX 1 for MIDI) and used passthrough.
All fine, all working, in the Virtual Console I'm able to map a virtuel slider to a certain slider on my controller and for example hook that up to pan, tilt, dimmer, gobo and so on. Great!

But now what I want: I want to set a certain "scene" for all my fixtures, like lamp 1 + 3 purple, lamp 2 + 4 yellow, moving heads blue + gobo 1 + this pan/tilt-position.
I want to set this up through my midi controller, then make like a "snapshot" of this setting and add this snapshot to my sequence as first step, then I setup the 2nd step and put that in.
This does work fine when I setup this by using the mouse on the sliders of the sequence window, but how can I hook up the midi contoller to have this hands on in stead of on the screen?

I want to patch slider 1 (and so on) to a function of the fixtures, even in sequence/chase (and so on) mode.
How do I do this? I've confirmed the MIDI controller is working, I've set-up several of the sliders and buttons already in the configuration, but then I'm lost on how to hook this up to functions.

Re: Midi controller to create sequences

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 9:35 am
by djkoelkast
I tried an tried again and it does work when I "live edit" a scene, I can make scenes that way (and afterwards program scenes to make a chase or sequence?)
But it does not work when live editing a sequence and that is what I'm after: program steps of a sequence by setting up the faders, save that step, go to the next step of the sequence, set up the faders, save, and so on.
When I have to do this by making scenes it gets really messy really fast as I will have hundreds of scenes (in stead of just 3 or 4 sequences with 30 or so steps each).

Any ideas?

Re: Midi controller to create sequences

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 6:48 am
by djkoelkast
So I guess I can't?
Just make a whole lot of scenes (in live mode) and put them in a chaser seems the only option?