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How to copy from one .qxw file to another

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:16 am
by FLC
Hi Guys,

This issue may already be addressed elsewhere on the forum but I could not find an answer to my question.

Example, I have created two files (workspace) with different sequence steps to be used in a light show. I would like to reuse the sequences by copying the information from one workspace to another. QLC seems to not allow copying a sequence to the clipboard and then pasting into a different file/workspace. Is there an import capability that could solve this issue for me. I don't want to manually recreate the sequence into the second file since it is a very long, consisting of almost one hundred steps involving multiple fixtures.

Maybe there is a simpler way to accomplish what I wan to achieve but I'm relative new to QLC, so this is how I chose to build the light show.
I tried editing the .qxw files using Microsoft Wordpad and copying the fixture definition, function definition, and sequence steps values from file 1 to file 2 but the results was less that successful. Basically I used Wordpad to open one .qxw file, located the desired sequence steps, copy it into file 2 and modifying the data where necessary so it would properly match with the ID values of the fixture, scene, and sequence of the second file. This was only partially successful.


Re: How to copy from one .qxw file to another

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 3:22 pm
by FLC

Issue of copying sequence step data from one workplace.qwx to another workspace.qwx has been resolved. My initial unsuccessful attempt was due to not properly adjusting the Track duration value as shown below.

Old value:
<Track ID="5" Name="MovHd2" SceneID="5" isMute="0">
<ShowFunction ID="10" StartTime="0" Duration="5000"
Track 5 was composed one step with duration = 5s.

New value (after copy and pasting new steps)
<Track ID="5" Name="MovHd2" SceneID="5" isMute="0">
<ShowFunction ID="10" StartTime="0" Duration="19500"
Track 5 after copy and pasting 70 new steps needed to be adjusted to Duration = "19500".

Light show now works as expected. I am now able to reuse sequence from different light show workspace. However, if there is a better way of accomplishing this data reuse (import/exporting of data) please let me know.
