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Virtual Consolle - Button Attributes

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 9:06 pm
by lorenzoandreani
In Virtual Consolle the Attribute of Button is a useful feature that can open a world if could apply this:

- the set value (of Attribute) )was saved to the current position (each time the Button is disabled the Attribute values ​​are reset to 100%)
- there are a possibility to choose which Attributes should see in the Button linked to a Collection

Also if the Attributes were used in the Sliders or Knobs in the benefit would be great.
Example in EFX Attribute are Intensity, Width, Height, Rotation, X Offset and Y Offset.
Could be add a column with a Checkbox next to each attribute and (only) the selected attributes will follow the percentage value of the slider, while others can be selected through the menu that appears with the right mouse button (as for the Buttons)

This way, for example, if you connect an EFX to a slider and if you select the Width and Height Attributes plus the slider moves up, the movement will be longer and vice versa.
This is very nice and allows to create effects that follow the live music using only one slider