4.11.0 Bug in manual control of chaser containing collections

The issues found when using the Virtual Console
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Posts: 1288
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:05 am
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
Real Name: Jano Svitok

I consider this basic usage of chaser/collections. There should be some kind of lookahead that tells the fading process that the scene (channel?) will stay on and does not need to be faded.
As Allan said, the natural process is to create building blocks (positions, colors, intensities), combine them to make a look/scene and then put them all to a chaser so they can be put in a cue list widget
(or better, so they can be run one by one).

For theatre guys, this may well be a showstopper.

Actually, right now a friend asked me for advice -- he's going to run sound for a theatre and most probably he will also need to run lights as well. What's he's looking for is something
where he can push go/next and don't care for anything else during the show (once it's preprogrammed). I'm really afraid he will hit this bug with QLC+.
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This sounds like the same problem I ran into over 2 years ago:


Really frustrating for people coming to QLC+ from a traditional theatre background, where most of the time the whole show is pre-programmed and you can hand it over to someone with relatively little experience and say "just follow the script and press GO at the right times". Especially for small touring theatre companies where the sound/lighting designer is only brought in during the initial phase, and doesn't go on tour with the rest of the company.

Completely agree with this:
I consider this basic usage of chaser/collections. There should be some kind of lookahead that tells the fading process that the scene (channel?) will stay on and does not need to be faded.
As Allan said, the natural process is to create building blocks (positions, colors, intensities), combine them to make a look/scene and then put them all to a chaser so they can be put in a cue list widget
(or better, so they can be run one by one).
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