EFX Speed in 4.13 for relativ mode

The issues found when using the Function Manager panel
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I have an EFX like:
Figure: Line
Width: 20
Height: 0
X-Offset: 127

If I check "Relativ" the Fixtures moves with incredible fast speed. If I uncheck the checkbox, the speed is normal.
With checked "Relativ" box, the DMX Values of the PAN-Channels goes several times (about 25 times) very fast from 0 to 255 then slow down and go backwards very fast from 255 to 0.
With the last 4.12 Version it worked as expected.
The settings of the hold-time has no affect to the fixture. But in the preview window of the EFX, the speed and the distance seems correct. Changes in the hold time affects the preview, but not the real fixture.

How can I fix this? :-)
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In v4.13, a complete overhaul of the 16b engine was effectuated.
As per the release notes: viewtopic.php?t=17141, an EFX in relative mode needs a position scene to which it can relate. This makes perfect sense since relative is relative to what?
Set or call a position scene, and then fire your EFX. A collection with a) a position scene and b) the EFX may be the way to go here.

In concern to your reported hold time issue: UNCONFIRMED
See the attached project and a video of the outcome. https://youtu.be/2W_y9B5h1bM

[edit] PS: if you look closely, you will notice that my mover here can't keep up with the pace set. Hence, the limited pan movement with a fast pace and the full swing with a slow pace.
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Thanks for clearness. But that means, that in EFX preview window, I am not able to test the EFX direct with the real fixture?
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As I pointed out on the FB group, use the 'Toggle Virtual Console Live edit' and 'Live Edit a Function' buttons.
Go into 'live edit', make some alterations to whatever scenes need to be altered, and try again.
All electric machines work on smoke... when the smoke escapes... they don't work anymore
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