Audio trigger external input feedback not working?

The issues found when using the Virtual Console
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I've been playing with QLC+ 4 for a while now and getting it to do what we'd like of it pretty successfully.

I have since added a BCF2000 to give some physical input/feedback and so far so good. I've come across a small issue though with Audio Triggers and mapping physical buttons to enable/disable them. The midi command from the BCF works to enable/disable, but there is no feedback seemingly coming from the audio trigger to the button to turn the button LEDs on/off. Other VC buttons are working as expected - it seems like the audio trigger itself isn't giving any feedback.

I have searched for similar issues but I haven't come across this - is it a known issue or possibly something I'm missing? Its a minor issue - but giving visual feedback on the BCF would be great.
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Hi, I fixed the issue.
Thanks for reporting
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Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2024 9:52 am
Real Name: Nick+

Thank you! :)

Is there a specific development release the fix is present in?
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

If you have a GitHub account, you can download the artifacts from the latest build from the master branch.
Builds are available for Linux and Windows
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