Usb opendmx clone no longer working... suqqestions please? my entec is on the way

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Joined: Wed Nov 01, 2023 3:11 pm
Real Name: Al Heynt

This is a strange one. I have been using a generic opendmx usb dongle I got off amazon for $20 just to learn and set up a small 4th of july light show for my family. I have been using it sucessfully with qlc+ (thank you so much for the wonderful software it is perfect for my needs) for a couple of months with minor hiccups. Yesterday my dongle stopped working in qlc+ it still recognizes it and tries to communicate with it as I can see the dongle flash green as it should in normal operations. but then it times out and the dongle turns red. I am able to sucessfully test the dongle in other software (it works with freestyler) but QLC is what I need and want. The only thing I can think of is that unfortunately I had to replace my wireless usb dongle keyboard just before all of this started. I figured it was some sort of com mixup and reinstalled the ftdi drivers, but not the fix. So long story short, here are the facts.
1. spilt beer on wireless kb so had to replace it yesterday morning.
2. plugged in dongle later in the afternoon, tried to use lights and qlc decide to not cooperate.
3. reinstalled drivers
4. reinstalled qlc (different versions to no avail)

I really think it's something with the communications
I am hoping the nex open dmx controller I ordered solves the problem, but i fear it will not.
Any feedback or help would be trendously appreciated. I have a screen shot if that helps.

basicly the following
Device is operating correctly.
Driver in use: FTD2xx
Protocol: Open DMX USB
Manufacturer: FTDI
DMX Channels: 512
DMX Frame Frequency: 30Hz
System Timer Accuracy: Bad

I think the timer has been bad all along or sometimes or something but it didn't seem to ever stop the device from working.
One thing of note, when it finally decides it doesn't want to communicate with the dongle, it's send a signal back to it or something that causes it to error out and turn red. At this point, I have to physically unplug the dongle and plug it back into the computer before it will function with any software.

Thanks in advance for any help.
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Welcome to the forum,

Are you able to use another USB port (for your keyboard)? Or, even better, can you use a wired keyboard? Does it still show hiccups?
The DMX timing may get corrupted by using your keyboard. You may lower the DMX bus frequency to debug...
All electric machines work on smoke... when the smoke escapes... they don't work anymore
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Joined: Wed Nov 01, 2023 3:11 pm
Real Name: Al Heynt

You sir are a genius. Believe it or not, my OCD kicked in just about an hour ago and I told my wife, the only change I made was the kb, it had to be the kb, but my brain was previously telling me otherwise. Long story short, pluged in wired kb everything working again. Actually took your advice and plugged the dongle into another physical usb port and voila no conflict, but i am still getting the BAD timer signal, i will experiment with this but alas, will probably have to use a wired kb to solve the issue?? This software is the best, I will soon be showing my appretiation to the author! As time permits, I hope to help make contributions to the community. Thank you once again!
Last edited by bigcrazyal on Tue Dec 12, 2023 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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