Anyma uDMX plug-in not working

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Real Name: Mike Benn

I have an Anyma uDMX interface, and it shows as plug-in in QLC+, which when selected shows a 30Hz frame rate and good timer accuracy. However, it's not controlling my lights.

If I use OLA, i.e. start olad and use the web interface, all works fine. But QLC still isn't outputting.

What can I do to solve this? Any help gratefully appreciated!

My system info is as follows:

Mac OS Mojave 10.14.3


Product ID: 0x05dc
Vendor ID: 0x16c0
Version: 1.02
Serial Number: ilLUTZminator001
Speed: Up to 1.5Mb/sec
Location ID: 0x14100000 / 12
Current Available (mA): 500
Extra Operating Current (mA): 0

I've tried sudo kextunload -b, but I just see Failed to unload - (libkern/kext) not found.
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Hi, Anyma uDMX is not FTDI.
Can you please try the latest test version and report if it fixes the issue?
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thanks for your suggestion Massimo - Just downloaded and still Anyma uDMX USB Device is not working

( It communicates to the fixtures when using FreeStyler )
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Try using a USBv2 hub. Might sound a bit weird but it solved my problem with no output from QLC on Mac.
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I've got the same device, and I'm just using it connected to a Raspberry Pi 4 running OLC, and using sACN (E1.31) to pass the DMX data to it. Very impressed with the lack of latency (just started playing with lighting and DMX etc), and how easy it was to setup.
And it's useful having it permanently connected to a Pi in the house (for home automation stuff, and useful for taking out to parties etc).. Means I can swap from my linux home computer to my windows lappy without worrying about device issues.

Just passing on in case it's helpful to you.
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Dude, That USB Version 2.0 trick worked for me! technically I used a 3.0 that I had lying around, but @cherrrn really saved my bacon.
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