
Request a feature that you would like to see in QLC+.
Explain in details why you would need it and which is your usage case.
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Posts: 46
Joined: Mon Dec 05, 2022 1:17 am
Real Name: Russell

Ever since getting into QLC, I’ve tried to find a good workflow. I’m getting there but one thing I keep coming across is the lack of continuity between some of the features.

My one request would be that the “Fixture Groups” would automatically create channel groups that you could select in your virtual console. The framework is already there. You an select all fixtures “RED” RGB channel or a color wheel, but if you could narrow that down to a group, it would save so much time when building your workspace. Another option would be that the Channel Groups appear in the Level Mode selection.

Please let me know what you think! This is for version 4, not sure if this has been implemented better in 5.

Russell Jones
TV Professional - EVS, Producer/Director
Lighting Hobbyist
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