Music in chaser

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Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Mar 20, 2022 11:56 pm
Real Name: Giuseppe Tamanini

Wanting to use Qlight + in the theater I need that the step of a chaser where an audio track is inserted can continue to play even when I go to the next step, perhaps putting a check. There is a loophole that allows you to do something similar to what I need: set a high fade out so that the music continues in the following steps. I give an example I start the music and, while the music continues, I turn on the stage lights.
Volendo usare Qlight+ in teatro ho bisogno che lo step di un chaser dove viene inserito una traccia audio possa continuare a suonare anche quando passo allo step successivo, magari mettendo un ceck. C'è una scappatoia che permette di fare una cosa simile a quello che serve a me: impostare un fade out alto facendo in modo che la musica prosegua anche negli step successivi. Faccio un esempio faccio partire la musica e, mentre la musica continua, accendo le luci di scena.
Scusate se ho scritto in italiano ma non conoscendo l'inglese ho usato il traduttore e non so se quanto ottenuto sia chiaro al 100%.

Posts: 378
Joined: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:43 am
Real Name: Ken Coughlin

I typically do that with a Show. Add the music track, then add a scene. Within the scene track, add a second step, adjusting the fade in/fade out/hold the way you want. In the first step, have your lights out. In the second step, have your lights at the level you want them. Add the Show to your Chase, specifying the Hold time.

If the music track is a single shot, you can put it on a button on the Virtual console, and just set the lights how you want them in the Chase.

There are other ways to do what you're looking to do, but these should get you started.
Posts: 48
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:40 am
Location: Belgium
Real Name: Freddy Hoogstoel

Hi there,
Please excuse me for my late reply, it's been a while since I was on this forum.

I use 2 chasers for my theatre shows, one for sound (intro music, sound effects during the play, ...) and one for lights.
In the sound chaser I put a 'silence' mp3 with infinite duration between each sound file.

During a performance each chaser can advance at its own 'speed'.

So far, I used Show only once, where I needed a thunder and lightning effect: sound and light were combined in a show and then that show was put in the lights chaser.
Posts: 378
Joined: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:43 am
Real Name: Ken Coughlin

This was fixed in the latest test version.

The current released version will continue to play an audio cue to the end, even when you click into the next cue. It will also not stop a chase when you use a loopback to end it. The volume does go down, but it continues playing.

There is also an issue with playing WAV files in the current released version. All of these issue are fixed in subsequent test versions.
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