Abilitiy to set custom ArtNet listening and sending port

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I am using a DMX-USB adapter that is essentially just a normal RS-485 tty device, not a FTDI with raw mode. For sending mark before blank, blank and mark after blank, I use some hacks with baudrate in a custom program that runs on the same machine as QLC+ and binds to ArtNet port, receiving ArtNet packets from QLC+ and sending them as DMX.

But ArtNet automatically binds to 6454 that is hardcoded as ARTNET_PORT in source, even if Input is not selected. Since on Linux only a single program can bind on localhost on a specific port, this must be either solved in a hacky way (starting artnet-tty-dmx bridge before qlc+) or patching qlcplus to use getenv() to get the port number. But it would be greatly apprecheated to be able to set a custom port per ArtNet input/output.

Hacky program in question, if anyone is interested in using normal RS-485 tty device as DMX transmitter: http://ni.sijanec.eu/sijanec/lu%c4%8d/t ... tyartnet.c
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Since you're a developer yourself and what you're doing is very very specific, I suggest you yo build your own version of QLC+ with the port you want/need.
Asking this change for everyone seems a bit too much to me.

By the way, sockets are open as shared
https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/b ... n.cpp#L414
and documentation:
https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qabstractsocket. ... dFlag-enum

It was needed to open a socket on from multiple softwares at the same time.
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