Progress bar missing - proposal

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Progress bar is an important missing information, for the time being could we have simple solution?
The cue list has already a fader for manual operations:
would it be easy to implement an automatic movement when the cue list is in "Side Fader Mode - None"?
At least we would have a visual feedback of the transition.
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

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Joined: Thu May 07, 2015 10:34 am
Real Name: Edgar Aichinger

@Massimo, as we're talking about cuelist progressbar, I have a question: is there a way to obtain the fade out time of the running crossfade (previous cue), to be displayed in a second progressbar? In theater lighting directors often want split times (e.g. a part of a scene suddenly lighting up, another part slowly fading out to low levels, both starting simultaneously).
I can do that with the cuelist but I have no visual clue when the fade out has finished.

I was trying to code this by adding a second bar with different color and resizing both to half the height so they don't take up more space, and got quite there, but I cannot seem to find a way to access the fade out time. If there is one, please tell me and I'll try to finish my implementation and create a github feature branch and pull request (for v4).
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