AutoIt Script for remote control via the Web API

Ask a question about the usage of QLC+ with the Windows operating system
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Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Apr 30, 2020 11:42 am
Real Name: Jörg Kaiser

Hello everybody

I mainly use QLC + for room lighting control of my model railway and every now and then for party lighting in the next cellar: D. So far so good. In order to couple the model railway software with QLC +, I currently use AutoHotKey scripts which, compiled as a program file, start or stop widgets via buttons or time functions. Everything works so far. What bothers me is the need to change the focus of the windows. Then a thought occurred to me:
QLC + has the web API. Controlled via the browser, everything works like in the program itself. But since QLC is running on the same PC, the browser window makes no sense to me.

I would therefore like to write the commands that are output to QLC via the browser window in an AutoIt script, which is then compiled as a program and controls the widgets in the background.
But I have no idea how to do this and what the required syntax for such a command must look like. Unfortunately, I'm the generation of people who had to grow up without a cell phone or PC. I've already tried to read into the subject but, as you will surely notice, my school English is already lacking :(. At the latest when it came to technical terms, I was out. At 53 years of age, learning is not so good and my free time is no longer Also very limited due to work.

Hence my question: Is there anyone here in the forum who is familiar with AutoIt and can give me a nudge in the right direction and is it even possible what I am planning to do?

Thanks and regards
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