[4.12.2] changing fixture address doesnt change channel behavior (LTP/HTP)

The issues found when using the Fixture Manager panel
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In QLC+ after 4.12.0 (actual for present 4.12.2) when you change fixture address, channels don't changing behavior (i.e. dimmers behave LTP, if they appear on unpatched previously channels or channels that was LTP, and vise versa) until program restart (or show reload) or opening of channels fade configuration window and pressing OK there.
Not much a problem (when you know about this behavior xD), but it was OK in 4.11.2 (Channels was changing behavior after fixture address change). So I don't think it is as designed.
Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 7:55 pm
Real Name: Gerard van Hamburg

Hi, I wonder if this is the same I encounter. I added two more fixtures and changed some channels of existing fixtures. My show manager is going crazy and the new fixtures sometimes light up even when not programmed at all.

Reloading the show does not help at all for me.
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