Chaser dose not work when static button contains same scene

The issues found when using the Virtual Console
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I was making some chasers and noticed a few stopped working in the Virtual Console. I traced it down to this, make a group of scenes. Lets say Red, Green & Blue to make it easy (color is irrelevant). Then in the virtual console Link those scenes to Red, Green & Blue individual buttons to trigger each individual color. Then also link those same 1 color scenes to a chaser so that I can cycle though the colors.

When I trigger the individual color buttons in virtual console they play as expected. But when I trigger the chase using those same scenes, the chaser never runs. I also see whatever scene is selected in the chaser, I see the single color button press and immediately release. I get no lights at all from the chaser and the chaser never runs (stays on first scene). This can be seen from the Function Monitor window or the light fixture itself. So it should be pretty easy to reproduce.

I can include any chaser only scene(s) in other chasers. But I can't use a scene that is also linked to a static button in a chaser, or the chaser will not run. If I make copies of those same scenes and use the copies in the chaser, I have no problems and the chaser runs as expected.

Not a huge issue but with all of QLC's focus on simplification to prevent lots of redundant / repetitive work, this feels like a bug. Even though it is easy to work around. Any help or advice you can give a greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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And those individual button are in a __solo frame__ I presume?
That would explain why your chaser wont run... (it is running but only for a split second)
The chaser and buttons in a solo frame fight against each other.

Let's go a step further... What has to happen if the chaser is running and you select a button? You wan't the chaser to stop or you want the button to overrule what the chaser is doing?
Now HTP and LTP come into play to decide who takes control.
You see? Chaser cue's and 'life' cue's have to differ for that reason.
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I totally understood where you were going as soon as you said solo frame. I just missed that part when trying to figure it out, and definitely can see how internally it would fight itself. Good eye and thank you for the explanation!
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GGGss wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2019 9:21 am
Let's go a step further... What has to happen if the chaser is running and you select a button? You wan't the chaser to stop or you want the button to overrule what the chaser is doing?
Now HTP and LTP come into play to decide who takes control.
You see? Chaser cue's and 'life' cue's have to differ for that reason.
I really like solo-frame's because they prevent me blending 2 scene's. Refering to the case above: what if I want the chaser to stop and play a button that contains a scene instead (overrule)? Is there a workaround to make this work ?
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You can do that as long as the scene your button plays is not the same as the scene inside the chaser...
Clone the scene I'd suggest.
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