Enttec DMX USB Pro Mk2 Midi input from LC2412 not work on Raspberry QLC+ 4.12.0

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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i use QLC+ for theater scenes for our village passion play and it would work great, it's very easy to change or handle everything.
The director is amazed too from the fast and easy work, who can i setup the scences for him.
On the last plays 10 years ago we need 12 hours to set all scence only with the LC2412.
This year we have it in 4 hours. :D
But one thing is really annoying.

The Enttec DMX USB Pro Mk2 and the LC2412 as midi input works great with my debian 9 and qlc+ 4.11.2 on my notebook.
Problems come on raspberry with qlc+ 4.12.0 and 4.12.1, the midi input not work correctly, it's very laggy or completly not working, DMX outputs run all fine.
I don't have the 4.11.2 image for raspberry pi from Massimo Callegari, only the 4.12.* to test if run with the raspberry.
On my notebook with debian 9 work the 4.12.* versions not, because of old librarys, thats why i can't test if it there run it too.

What i have to try to solve the problem.
Look if the cpu or loadavg is high -> it's low
test it with a raspberry pi 3 b+ and a pi 2 -> same problems
power for the pi changed, power for the Enttec device over a USB-Hub -> same problems
deactivate OLA Server -> same problems
change the frequenzy for the DMX -> same problems
set raspberry cpu's to performance -> same problems

Can someone help me.

Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Feb 17, 2019 12:02 pm
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i installed debian buster on my computer to test if it's running with qlc+4.12.0, same problems like rasperry pi.
With 4.11.2 runs all fine.
I test the libs from 4.11.2 with 4.12.0, nothing.

Can I get the image 4.11.2 for raspberry pi?
I have donate for raspberry pi.
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