Newbie Question Scenes

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Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Apr 08, 2017 12:34 pm
Real Name: Rob Gnam

Hi All, totally new to this software (or any software). Using Chauvet Obey 70 Currently.

In scene editor, I build a simple scene with 1 fixture (FXPar9 for example, which I built on fixture editor), build scene where all red are activated. When I click outside of the edit screen, my lights stay on. Same Thing with Mini-Kinta IRC, which I also built. BUT, if I build a scene with Generic Par (g-Lite6x10) everything works fine. I can build multi scenes, and when I click outside of the edit screen, lights go off.

I have experimented with other fixtures. The only ones that act right are the Generic Par.

Hopefully this is some simple thing that I am not catching.

Also the Fixture Monitor doesn't seem to work correctly. I am assuming this is related to the way I made the fixtures.

Any suggestions would be appreciated..

Thanks, Rob
NUMBER 1.qxw
qxw file
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When mentioning a custom fixture, you should share the fixture file, otherwise we can't help.

Most likely you have set the wrong type to the color channels. They must be Intensity/Color and not Color. Otherwise they are LTP channels and what you see is actually correct.
You might want to use the online fixture validator, which will probably tell you exactly what I told you.
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Joined: Sat Apr 08, 2017 12:34 pm
Real Name: Rob Gnam

Thanks for the quick response and advice! Still feeling my way thru the software.
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Real Name: Rob Gnam

Ok, I watched the tutorial on fixture creator twice. I corrected everything I could think of. The only lights I can get to work correctly are the FX Par9's.
I have 4 lasers, and 1 effect fixture (mini Kinta IRC). They all stay on when I click outside of the function. I have included all of the files for the fixtures I have created. The one for Laserworld CS2000 should be ready to post and share, but it doesn't work right. Once I can get the other ones configured correctly, I will fill in the details and post them also. Your help is appreciated.

Thanks, Rob
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additional files
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Real Name: Rob Gnam

sorry, missing files, I guess I should have put them in a zip file...
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Real Name: Rob Gnam

Changed all channels on all fixtures to "intensity" and everything works. Something I read on another post. I am sure that is not the official fix though. I still would be interested to find out what I am doing wrong.

Sorry, I realize I am working with simple inexpensive fixtures that are not concert grade, but this is important to me. Not sure why this post is being ignored. If you are just really busy I apologize.

If I am doing something wrong in my post please let me know so I can correct.

Thanks, Rob.
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Real Name: Mark Lohrey

Hi Rob,

Welcome to QLC+!

It is quite a change going from consoles to software, although there are many analogous features, it takes some time to find the connections.

I found when I started to create some fixture definitions the easiest way was to make a copy of similar existing one and then edit it until I had one that worked for a new fixture. I tend to buy no name cheap fixtures, as it is more of a hobby for me, so often a fixture definition didn't exist. Although, the QLC+ community are great at creating new ones all the time. But it does take time.

I have attached a fixture for the mini kinta IRC. I modelled it on the mini kinta definition that was already available in QLC+. If I find some more time I will have a look at the others. Although I am no expert!


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Real Name: Ham Sadler

One thing that you may try is to use the virtual console and put your scene in a button. I use QLC+ with cheap lights and have found it useful to make a scene that sets the channel values to zero. It sounds like your problem is the light is staying on when the channel looks like it is zero. Check the DMX output to see what value the channels are at.

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Real Name: Ham Sadler

Also there is a revision of the mini Kinta thathe is 4 channel not 3. The fixture definition loaded in QLC had the old 3 channel version. Check that the definition matches your light. If you have an analog controller, it is useful to verify the function of the light outside QLC+. You can do the same thing with the "Simple Desk" in QLC×. Just remember to cancel everything when you go back to the virtual console. Even better is to restart, that way there is no possibility of residual channel values.

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