A new direction

Public announcements of new QLC+ releases.

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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

In the last 8 months I've been dedicating 90% of my QLC+ spare time in evaluating a new way to do lighting. The QLC+ project has indeed achieved great results in the last 2 years, but I believe there are still some areas that can be improved in terms of productivity and user friendliness.

So, for months I had my head full of visions, then I studied new technologies to fulfill them and at last I started to code what I believe will be the next generation QLC+.

I decided to come up with a short video to share with you just the tip of these visions I had:

Basically I am rewriting from scratch the whole QLC+ UI, thus keeping as much as possible the current engine that gives most part of the software power. One certain thing is that it will be backward compatible with the existing projects.
Thanks to the new technologies offered by the Qt libraries, the new UI will look exactly the same on all platforms, including Android and eventually iOS.

This is a monumental work, without a release date or a planned roadmap, so please don't start asking when this will be ready. I do hope to be able to reach a certain maturity level within this year, but even this, is not a promise.
Please don't ask also to include this or that feature. We've already had 2 years to gather all the requirements and, believe me, they are a lot.
The code of this new UI is now available on GitHub and for those who will follow the developments, please do not report issues about it. We'll let you know later this year when we'll start accepting issues.

I think I've said enough, even though there would be a whole lot to say. I hope to be able to do monthly updates of the development status.

I understand this video will lead to many questions, so if you really need to ask them (and can't wait a few months), please be nice
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Real Name: Louis Gutenschwager

I'll help test iOS when its ready and I'll probably be getting an android tablet and help test the android version


Nice selection of music
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Real Name: Alessandro Grechi

Great! I love the new direction... ;)
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Real Name: Rodolfo

Wait and see ...
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Real Name: Eduardo Malle Lechuga

AWESOME !!! last night I dream about something like that! but to create a matrix and buttons matrix there was this UI like the MS office when you want to create a table, with the drag style and everything :D

BTW, I use QLC+ since last year and there is no other app like this in the entire world, so a big thank you Massimo Callegari!!!
Alfonso castro
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I lear
n a lot of software of light. Qlc is the best!!!

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Real Name: Bert Heikamp

Is there any progress on this version ?
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andres robles
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the right direction, I love the project, with time, would also be desirable to simplify the use of fx, for example, if you want a shape circle, first positions the spot in the center of the circle, throwing the circle, and adjust size, speed ... gap between spot and invest ...... something like Avolites pearl. They are just ideas in my point of view, and I repeat, congratulations on this great project and the magnificent improvements acquires ....
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Real Name: Tyler Joyce

Hey Massimo,

I am a full time LD based in Bend, Oregon. I travel all over Oregon and use QLC+ for live shows on a weekly basis. I am very interested in beta testing your new version, QLC+ 5, for live use. Please contact me directly so we can talk more about this.

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