Whilst setting up a QLC+ workspace to my likings, I discovered that (or at least, it looks like that to me)
- When adding fixtures, they are sorted by DMX adress and fixture ID's are assigned starting from 0, 1, 2, ... etc.
- I a scene, fixtures are always shown sorted on their Fixture ID
As a consequence of this, one might end up with a sorting order of fixtures in a scene that is not so convenient / logical for a 'regular' user.
Through the user interface, I did not find a way to reorder the fixtures inside a scene (maybe I overlooked something ?), and I did not want to reprogram all my fixtures with better suited DMX adresses ... so I had a look at the workspace file, and came up with a workaround:
I reordered the <Fixture> ... </Fixture> blocks of code in the sequence I preferred , leaving their DMX adresses as they were, but re-assigned ID's starting from 0, 1 ...
I could also rearrange the FixtureVal lines inside a scene, but then I would have to rearrange all my scenes, so I decided to stick with the re-arrangement of the fixtures.
This workaround did the trick for me now, but most likely adding a new fixture will reorder them again, so it's not a durable solution.
So I propose a modification to the scene editor interface, allowing -per scene- to arrange fixtures in any desired sequence (and saving the sequence of course), similar to the way you can change the order of the functions inside a chaser.
Kind regards,
Order of fixtures within a scene
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- Joined: Thu Mar 17, 2016 8:24 am
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Would be great