[20140713] Linux 64bit TEST build - Qt5 based

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Massimo Callegari

Here's the first DEB package of the QLC+ built on Qt5.
I've built it on Ubuntu 14.04 64bit and the standard Qt 5.2.1.

The two main advantages (for now) are:
- support for multiple audio at the same time
- support for video playback
Download here: http://www.qlcplus.org/test/qlcplus_4.7.4_amd64.deb

Any feedback is appreciated. Please let me know in particular if this package works on other Debian-based distros.
For the everyone's happiness, this package depends on udev1 !! :)

Santiago Benejam Torres

Package installs fine in Ubuntu. But playing video I get audio but no video output. Only a minimized window that I cannot maximize.
Massimo Callegari

I posted the solution on your other post. Did you read it ?

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg
Santiago Benejam Torres

Yes I read the other post I'm compiling now.
Santiago Benejam Torres

After install gstreamer0.1-ffmpeg from this ppa and after a reboot it works. Video and audio output works fine.
Santiago Benejam Torres

Trying this version I get a segfault adjusting sequences in show manager.

Jul 17 20:38:48 ponent kernel: [29818.212524] qlcplus[30949]: segfault at 8 ip 00007fe7a50eaa03 sp 00007fffe3f7a620 error 4 in libQt5Widgets.so.5.2.1[7fe7a4f78000+5fb000]

I tried too the workspace of my last show and seems to work well from virtual console. The only thing I found is, in the virtual console all the buttons lost the colours I've assigned. Colors of sliders, knobs and speed dials are ok and can be changed. I cannot change the colors of the buttons.
Santiago Benejam Torres

Hi Massimo, I think I can confirm when this segfault occurs. In the show manager after open speed dial window adjusting Fade In/Out or durations even if I not change nothing and then clicking at any point of the timeline.
I tried with your deb package and with a deb recently compiled in my system from GIT in my laptop with Ubuntu 14.04, 64bits and standard Qt 5.2.1.
Massimo Callegari

Hi Santiago, does it happen only with the Qt5 version ?
Have you checked with Qt4 as well ?

[EDIT] It happened only with Qt5. I found and fixed the cause. It's OK now on GIT
Santiago Benejam Torres

Yes Massimo only happens with Qt5 versions with Qt4 verions works well. Only occurs when close Speed Dial window with window controls. If hide Speed Dial window with the button on sequence editor works well. I will try with GIT version.
Santiago Benejam Torres

Hi Massimo, I can confirm that this issue is solved. I'm testing now with a recently compiled deb package from GIT with Qt5.2.1.
Good job.
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