4.7.0rc: function buttons garble cue list

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Hello, today I've discovered that if a button has the same function of a cue list, when it's active the cue list jumps the corresponding step (and after it's not possible to step backward), this appens with multiple buttons too.
The only solution I've figure out was to deactivate the button just before pressing for the next step but it's not an elegant solution.
I tried with a new fresh file and the beheavior it's the same.
Platform linux.

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Jano Svitok

I confirm your finding. It's a bug. Tested in Lubuntu 13.10 and Windows 7.

Hi Jano, I've found a similar behaviour in case of collections:
if I have a collection in a cue list and the step after is a scene included in the above collection, the next step action will jump this scene.
Gnome3 and 4.7.1
(I still have the button scene issue with cue list)

I've just realized these days that I could use the collections to have cues with different fade times, cool ;)
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