BCF 2000 button lights go out / GM midi feedback not working

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Hi all,

I just attached a Behringer BCF2000 controller which works fine so far with QLC Plus 4.6.0 under Linux. Midi feedback also works with faders etc. (mode U1)

1) I noticed that if I assign e.g. button 9 TOP to a button on the virtual console (no flash function), the led of the button lits up when the virtual console button is active. But if I activate the function via the behringer device, the button is only illuminated during pressing it, afterwards the light goes out although the function is still active.

2) GM does not seem to give feedback to the bcf if I assign fader 1, for example.

Any help appreciated.
Many thanks and best regards,

Hi all,

for those who suffer the same: I have messed up my Presets, so check your presets. Under Linux, an unofficial Release of BCEdit works fine (Java):

Further on, I have updated my firmware to the latest. Now the 2K works as expected again. But I still have to press a button twice in order to switch a function of button off on the virtual console, strange (qlc+ 4.6.0).

Tanks and best regards,
Travis Cook

Hi Ulf - Are you saying that changing the preset on the BCF got the GM feedback to start working? I've noticed the feedback didn't seem to work with GM before, but always figured it was a QLC problem, as the same physical faders will do feedback from other virtual sliders.

I find I have the double-push issue with any buttons/pads set to send CC. I'm just figuring out how to use MIDI with QLC, so I don't know if it's always been like this for CC, or if it's a recent issue. I've got some pads that don't have any feedback or lights, and those are set to notes and work as expected. However, for my pads that light, and the BCF buttons, it is a really annoying issue.

Hi Travis,

sorry for not pointing that out. No, unfortunately, the GM feedback does not work.


Hi again,

just FYI: Midi feedback does not work for the two sliders of the cue lists, either.

Best regards,

Hi Ulf,

Have you solve issues with BCF 2000 ?
For the double-push, I solve it by changing button MODE on 2k too Toggle Off.
But as you, led work correctly if I press button on screen, but not if press on BCF.

Best Regards,

Hi Kiki,

sorry for the (long) delay.
No, unfortunately I could not solve all of the problems, but these issues are not of high priority for me as everything works fine, though.

It would be still nice to have midi feedback for GM.

Thanks for the hint with the toggle. Seems to work (I think I have tried that before).

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