Submaster affecting Scenes Fader

The issues found when using the Virtual Console
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Hello all,
i have some, in my opinion weird behaviour with the combination of submasters and scenes.
In SubmasterRelativeAffectingScene.qxw which is attached you can see a basic setup to reproduce it.
When moving the submaster you can see that it does have an effect on the Light 1 without adjusting the value of the individual Light 1 fader. -> This is how i expect Submaster to work.

However when you do the same thing with a Scene (which in this case does nothing but use the one light on full relative intensity), changing the submaster does seem to relatively scale the fader position for the scene 1.
e.g. when having scene 1 and submaster on 100% moving submaster to 50% will move scene 1 faders visual position to 50% too. Now when trying to move scene 1 fader (besides the flickering because the value is adjusted by some background function of the submaster) which means the saved value for the fader is still at 100% but it only shows the 50%. This results in the fact that when i move Scene 1 fader to its 50% position (where it already is in the visual state) it automatically adjusts the fader and moves it to about 25% position (which is the combination of the 50% scene + 50% submaster)
DMX Output seems to show the scene 1 faders value

Is this supposed to work this way or is this a bug? - Following from what i read from Siegmund before scenes faders are supposed to adjust to the values shown, however i still think in combination with submasters this seems odd.
Any chance to change this behaviour?
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