Bug in fixture validator

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Joined: Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:40 pm
Location: Herefordshire, UK
Real Name: Doug Hadfield

Hi wonderful people, I have a fixture definition which I wanted to post on this forum, so I've been trying to run it through the fixture validator. However, the strobe channel keeps generating an error. If I set the channel as "speed" the validator errors telling me it needs to be "Shutter". However if I set it to "shutter" it errors telling me it needs to be set to "speed". So whatever I do it won't validate. I attach the definition here. Can someone let me know whether I'm doing something wrong, or if it's the validator itself that's at fault.

thanks and regards

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Hi Doug,

it seems that the validator makes that proposal based on keywords it finds in the channel name, and in this case gets confused by two contradicting keywords. I don't know whether the validator's source code is in github or otherwise available somewhere online, anyways I renamed it to just be "Strobe" and now it validates while being a shutter channel.

This sort of contradicts the guideline where you are supposed to stick with parameter naming from the devices' manual as close as possible... but maybe it is the best possible way to handle that, currently?

Ciao, Edgar
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Real Name: Doug Hadfield

Thanks a lot for your reply and your help, Edgar. I'll make the change this end, and bear your advice in mind :-)

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The validator source code is available on GitHub, but buried deep in an issue's comment:

Have a look at the Open Fixture Library! It's a project to collect fixture definitions in a unified format and make them downloadable for different lighting programs, including QLC+ 4 and QLC+ 5.
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hello.. I also noticed a bug in fixture validator as well..thanks for letting us know Doug.... much appreciated :)
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Hi. We would like to build the fixture validator into the Ray Console so users can import QXF fixtures directly via USB. I tested the fixture validator on github and it seams to be somewhat out of date. Would it be possible to get a newer version? Alternatively, could it be added to https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus?
Ray Console. The robust lighting control console with a modularly extendible software that is intuitively usable for amateur users. The console uses the QXF fixture format used by QLC+ and will be ready to order in spring 2020. rayconsole.com
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There's one public in Python (option -validate)
https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/b ... es-tool.py
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Great. Thank you!
Ray Console. The robust lighting control console with a modularly extendible software that is intuitively usable for amateur users. The console uses the QXF fixture format used by QLC+ and will be ready to order in spring 2020. rayconsole.com
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