APC20 Most buttons not responding

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I have an Akai APC20, and have read several posts on here about using it with QLC+, but I could not find one talking about my issue.

Basically, I can only get Fader 1, Master Fader and Matric 1-x buttons to work.

I downloaded KMidimon, and each button is sending, as i can see the changes in the KMidimon program, so the APC20 is good. I am assuming I have a configuration problem (something I haven't done right) in QLC+

In QLC+ 4.10.4 on Xubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10:

Universe 1
-> MIDI / 2: Akai APC20 MIDI 1
-> Input and Feedback Checked
-> Confiugre MIDI Plugin Dialog
-> -> Output
-> -> -> Akai APC20 MIDI 1
-> -> -> -> Midi Channel 1
-> -> -> -> Mode: Note Velocity
-> -> -> -> Init Message: APC20 Ableton mode 2
-> -> Input
-> -> -> Akai APC20 MIDI 1
-> -> -> -> Midi Channel 1
-> -> -> -> Mode: Note Velocity
-> -> -> -> Init Message: APC20 Ableton mode 2
-> Akai APC20

Please help!
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Real Name: Jano Svitok

Try to use midi channel 1-16, and check feedback instead of output.
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Have you tried the "omni" mode ? (midi channels 1-16 instead of 1 only)
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Got it.

For anybody who is new to the MIDI part and having a similar issue:
In Input/Output find the device you want (Akai APC20 MIDI 1 in my case..)
-> Check Input and Feedback
-> Press the Wrench and Screw driver at the bottom right of the screen to open the "Configure MIDI Plugin" Dialog
-> Press the down arrow and both Akai APC20 MIDI 1 options, the new setting should be "1-16" (I didnt change the Midi Through Port options)

And all works.

Thanks everyone for pointing me in the right direction!
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Joined: Wed Aug 24, 2016 12:00 pm
Real Name: Mateusz

Hello everyone !

My APC20 works with QLC but I can't get any feedback. Sometimes buttons which are attached

to something just lit up and stay like this. Mostly I'm on windows 7 with QLC 4.10.4.

Universe 1
-> MIDI / 2: Akai APC20
-> Input and Feedback Checked
-> Confiugre MIDI Plugin Dialog
-> -> Output
-> -> -> Akai APC20 MIDI 1
-> -> -> -> Midi Channel 1-16
-> -> -> -> Mode: Note Velocity
-> -> -> -> Init Message: APC20 Ableton mode 2
-> -> Input
-> -> -> Akai APC20 MIDI 1
-> -> -> -> Midi Channel 1-16
-> -> -> -> Mode: Note Velocity
-> -> -> -> Init Message: APC20 Ableton mode 2
-> Akai APC20

Please point out what I'm doing wrong and thanks for this awesome software which is QLC plus :)
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